Employee engagement a problem in the workplace?

April 29, 2013

What is employee engagement?
Employee engagement is a workplace approach intended to reassure that employees are committed to their companies' goals and values. They don't just work for a paycheck, but they are motivated to make sure the company is 
successful and grow; at the same time, they are able to boost their own sense of well-being.

What employee engagement is not?
Employee engagement does not mean employee happiness. Someone might be happy at the workplace but that does not necessarily mean they are working hard and being productive. Employers are struggling to get their employees to engage in the workplace; however, there is far too little focus on the problems or issues that relate to engagement.

Here are some tips that will help with employee engagement at work;

  • Observing and empowering leadership by providing a strong strategic description of the organization. Where it used to be, where it currently stands and where it is heading.
  • Engaging managers who actually listen to their employees and give them the benefit of a doubt to achieve more in the workspace and prove themselves.
  • Employees are seen as fundamental to the solution. Managers or supervisors should lend an ear to their employees, find out their views and opinions on certain issues in the company and find solutions.
  • Improve employee engagement with cooperation, provide them with flexible working hours and help them to maintain a balance between their work and personal life.

Why does employee engagement matter?
A commitment from your employees at work has an influence on the company's performance. Every single employee of your organization has something to bring to the table and they all have the power to boost the business brand in terms of awareness and turnover.

 Company benefits

  • It reduces absenteeism of employees
  • Higher sales figures
  • Better customer service and feedback

Employee engagement is about more than making people feel good about their jobs and paying attention in meetings. It's vital the more connected employees feel, the easier it is for them to support your organization's objectives.

"When you're engaged, you're more connected, more tuned in to why what you're doing is important to the organization, to the customer, whatever. You're drinking the juice, and you like it." Robeson.

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Image courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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