Networking can be very helpful to your career. Many people only pay real attention to their networks when they are in the midst of a job search but career networking should become a part of your daily work and career-related endeavors. Your career network should be in place for when you need it, both for job searching and for moving along the career ladder.
So here are some tips to jumpstart a network that's out-of-date:
Reach out to your network
All the connections in the world won't help you find a job if no one knows about your situation. Once you've dusted off your list of people in your network, start making contact with people. Let them know that you're looking for a job. Be specific about what kind of work you're looking for and ask them if they have any information or know anyone in a relevant field. Keep in touch with your network regularly - even if it's just a brief email to say hello and to ask how they are doing. People are more willing to help when they know who you are.
Give as much as you get
When you think, "how can this person help me," you'll be disappointed. However, when you are offering help to others, you'll find them far more open to the idea of helping you down the road. Forming relationships built on trust will help you be the person your contacts think of the next time they can find a way to help you.
Continuously expand your network
Take advantage of the people your contacts know. Ask people in your network about others who can help you get the information you need. Networking in person works too. If you belong to a professional association, attend a meeting or a mixer. You'll find that many of the participants have the same goals you do and will be glad to exchange business cards.
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